
September 04, 2023 3 min read

Crystals or stones as per Numerology

Everyone wants to wear crystals but the basic question which comes to everyone’s mind is whether this stone would suit me. Many people prefer sun sign or moon sign while others take guidance of astrology. Numerology can be one of the preferred ways to looking at crystals as they give specific answers. We are all connected to one planet and the deity associated with that planet would govern and resonate within each one of us. That planet would always give beneficial results to us unless the specific conditions like retrograde (or Vakri) or being negatively impacted by 2 or more planets at some time. Still, 90% of the times the planets associated with us would give us beneficial results and you would be positively governed by that planet.

How to find the relevant crystal/stone for me using Numerology?

This can be answered with numerology also through your Birth number and your Destiny number. If your age is less than 35 then you are governed by your Birth Number. If your age is greater than 35 then you are governed by your Destiny Number. This doesn’t mean that Birth Number would not favour you after 35, however, this means that after 35 you are governed more by your Destiny number than the birth number alone. Birth number is the date (day when you were born) converted to single number. Like if you are born on 23rd of any month then your birth number is 2+3=5 Destiny number is the sum total of the Date of Birth converted to single number. Like if you are born on 27th September 1994, then your destiny number is 2+7+9+1+9+9+4=5

People born on 1/10/19/28 or whose destiny number is 1

Creative, go-getter, leadership skills and you shine in your life – Crystals: Citrine, carnelian, amber

People born on 2/11/20/29 or whose destiny number is 2

You are governed by heart, sober, loving, emotional, sensitive and diplomat. Moon energies govern you. Crystals: Mother of pearl, moonstone, aquamarine

People born on 3/12/21/30 or whose destiny number is 3

You are governed by Jupiter, unique, passionate, and whatever you do, you put your heart in it. Amethyst, Citrine, Green Aventurine, Ametrine

People born on 4/13/22/31 or whose destiny number is 4

Principled, no-nonsense, very organized Smoky quartz, Haematite, black obsedian, black tourmaline

People born on 5/14/23/31 or whose destiny number is 5

Restless, seek variety, routine is boring for you, brainy, intelligent, your mind wants to work Aquamarine, Citrine, Amethyst, Garnet

People born on 6/15/24 or whose destiny number is 6

Governed by Venus, luxurious lifestyle. You want to do good to everyone, very warm and welcoming. You like to take a lot of responsibilities. Moonstone, Rhodonite and Rose quartz, these three stones would give you self love and would emotionally pep-up so that you always remain filled with joy and love and spread the same.

People born on 7/16/25 or whose destiny number is 7

7 is about Ketu, about Ganeshji and about wisdom. Analytical thought process, spirituality and out of the box thinking. You introspect things very deeply and do not believe on things at the surface. Selenite, Clear Quartz and Lapis Lazuli – these are very good for your 3rd and top chakra and would bring more thought clarity to you.

People born on 8/17/26 or whose destiny number is 8

Associated with Saturn, tough task master, strict teacher, to make things black and white, amazing business sense, money related and number related matter Hematite and garnet would keep you more grounded Pyrite(to earn more)

People born on 9/18/27 or whose destiny number is 9

Mars gives instant results. Humanitarian, healing is your goal and you think is everything can be resolved with a magic wand. Turquoise, Citrine, Amethyst, Ametrine