
Understanding the Chakras


The seven major Chakras, which means wheel in sanskrit, are energy centers within the body.There are said to be hundreds of chakras, but we tend to focus on these major seven: Muladhara (Root), Svadisthana (spleen or Sacral), Manipura (Solar Plexus), Anahata (Heart), Visuddha (Throat), Ajna (Third Eye), and Sahasrara (Crown).

They can be visualized as spinning wheels of energy that can become slow, sluggish or blocked. How Do I Know Which Chakras Need Balancing? A chakra may be blocked if you are experiencing emotional difficulties or health issues. Each chakra is responsible for different areas of the body and other related emotional processes.

Root Chakra: The muladhara or root chakra is located at the base of the spine and is related to basic survival. If it is not balanced, you may feel unsafe or ungrounded. This could manifest in emotional disturbances like anxiety and eating disorders, or physical disturbances in the lower body, such as aches and pains.

Crystals associated:

Sacral Chakra: The second chakra, svadhisthana or sacral, is related to our feelings and sexuality. It may need balancing if you are experiencing creative, emotional or sexual difficulties. It could manifest in disturbances related to addiction, creativity, relationships, intimacy, or reproductive health issues.

Crystals associated:

Carnelian Tiger Eye

Solar Plexus Chakra: The manipura or solar plexus chakra governs our sense of personal power. We may suspect it needs balancing if we feel a lack of will, courage, or self-efficacy. It could also manifest in digestive issues.

Crystals associated:

Heart Chakra: Our heart chakra is called anahata. This may be blocked or need balancing when we are feeling fearful, lacking compassion, and are acting possessive. Even physical heart conditions are possibly related to a blocked anahata.

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Throat Chakra: The visuddha or throat chakra governs our voice. It may be need balancing if we find ourselves experiencing a lot of guilt or an inability to speak up when we need to. This could manifest as laryngitis or other throat related health issues.

Crystals associated:

Third Eye Chakra: The ajna chakra is considered the seat of our third eye and is related to our sense of intuition. This may be blocked if we feel ourselves lacking intuition, unable to hear or listen to our inner voice and its guidance.

Crystals associated:

Crown Chakra: The seventh chakra located on the crown of our head is said to be our connection to Source. If we feel disconnected from our spiritual essence, this chakra could need balancing. It could manifest physically in headaches, psychotic illness, nerve pain, or pineal gland issues.

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